As most of you know I am unapologetic in my stance against Brigitte Gabriel, Brooke Goldstein, Daniel Pipes, and Frank Gaffney, for misleading non-Muslims into believing “moderate” Muslims are going to come riding in on their white horses, and save America from Islamic conquest. It is just a fantasy based on wishful thinking. A line of thinking that Pipes has been pushing for a long time now.
Tag: Zuhdi Jasser
How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?
Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign.
For over 10 years I have been speaking out against the threat of Islam. When I first started, I remember numerous non-Muslims telling me that I should not say Islam itself is the problem. To use the term “Islamofascism” (which I admittedly did use for a short period of time), or “radical Islam”. Another popular term is “Islamism”. I did not really care for using the term “Islamofascism”, as in the back of my mind I knew Islam itself was the problem. After awhile I decided to go against the wishes of many friends and go with the truth. The truth being that Islam itself is the problem!
Zuhdi Jasser Will NOT Explain how Islam will Reform, or Condemn Mohammad for Taking sex Slaves!
Strike 3! Or is it #4 for Zuhdi and ACT!? I am starting to lose count on how many ACT! members duck my simple questions. In the past ACT!’s Chris Slick, Guy Rodgers, Hal Weatherman, National Communications and Marketing Director of ACT!, Kelly Cook, and the Queen of False Hope Brigitte Gabriel, could not explain how Jasser and others will reform Islam. Now tonight the leader of this ludicrous campaign Zudhi Jasser himself could not explain how he will reform Islam. Nor would he condemn Mohammad for taking sex slaves!
Zuhdi Jasser and Peter King’s “Moderate” Muslim Movement, not so “Moderate”
The picture above was taken from this week’s ACT!/Zuhdi Jasser/Peter King’s rally in support of the NYPD. One of the “big” points of the event was that there were “moderate” Muslims attending in support of the NYPD. What is interesting about the picture is the Muslim man in the middle, with the cap and sun glasses on. He is Imam Mohammad Abdul Qayyoom, head of the Muhammadi Community Center in Jackson Heights. The Imam is petitioning to make Mohammad’s birthday a national holiday! Yes, that right! He wants America to honor his pedophile and rapist hero. I know, I know….he’s a “moderate”….good work there Zuhdi and King.
ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel Calls Critics of Jasser Bigots!
In my last article on ACT! we saw that the leaders do not like to be criticized, over their weak stance of promoting so called “moderate Muslim” Zuhdi Jasser. Well now Brigitte “the Queen of False Hope” Gabriel, took her defense of Jasser to a whole new level. A level that clearly has the public turning on her! Last night Dawn Ellen an anti-Sharia sister of mine on Facebook, posted information on my wall stating Gabriel was actually deleting comments criticising ACT! and their support of Jasser. To make matters even worse, Brigitte Gabriel uses Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric against those who question her propping up of non-representative Muslim. Yes, that’s’ right. She called us hateful and dropped the bigot bomb! Wow!
Logan’s Warning to ACT!’S Brigitte Gabriel: Come Clean With America!
Most of the regulars here most likely know that I am no fan of the “moderate” Muslims, are coming to the rescue line of thinking. That strategy was tried in the UK, and it was a huge failure. If one takes an honest look at the situation, you will see that this line of thinking, is nothing more than wishful thinking.
Not only is it wishful thinking, it also spreads false hope in the war with Islam. The reality is that Islam is clearly on the move in America, and “moderate” Muslims are not coming to the rescue. It is past time that the non-Muslims of America realize this.
Logan’s Warning Exclusive~ NY Muslims Boast of Peter King Beat Down!
I remember back in December when many of us anti-jihadists got excited when Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee announced, he will be holding hearings on the “radicalization” of some American Muslims. But then in January that excitement quickly faded for many of us, as King stated he would not be calling Islam expert Robert Spencer, and the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson as witnesses.
Brigitte Gabriel Responds to Logan’s Warning
The other I received the following email in response to my “Brigitte Gabriel: “Radicals are Hijacking the Agenda”, “Moderates” the Answer”, article.
Hey Zuhdi Jasser, MAN UP and Debate me….
I was told that self-professed “moderate” Muslim M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D. had written an article for “American Thinker”, in which he attacked me, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer.
Peter King: Dazed and Confused
Exactly one month ago, the door of hope was opened when Peter King (R), House Committee on Homeland Security, stated he will hold hearings on the “radicalization” of certain American Muslims.
Now, we learn that the door of hope is quickly being closed, as King’s proposed solution to the problem will not stem the tide of radical thought. This is the main policy that the UK has implemented and it has proven to be a failure in reducing the numbers & activity of “radical” Muslims, leading to more concessions to Islam.