UK Film Seized: Teaching Children to Join the Jihad

Thankfully we have seen that non-Muslims in the UK, have started to take a stand against Islam. Unfortunately though the war with Islam is forever, and here is another reminder for us. As I have been saying, all non-Islamic countries need to end Muslim immigration,...

UK: Police Arrest 15 in Anti-Islam Demonstration

Although a recent Muslim march was canceled in the UK, the English Defence League still sees the threat and took to the streets to remind Muslims that this fight has just begun! Police arrest 15 in anti-Islam demonstration LONDON — Police arrested 15 people and four...

Britain, US to Fund Yemen Anti-terror Police Unit

Less than two weeks ago, Obama ordered the Navy to fire missiles into Yemen at suspected Al Qaida targets. Now we can add Yemen to the list Islamic countries that we are funding in this so called war on terror. Others being  Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. Not only...

UK Muslims Look to Stir Things up in Pro-military Town

The pro-Sharia Muslims of Islam4UK, are looking to stir things up once again and it is just a matter of time until things hit the fan there. As Muslims are just hellbent on taking the UK. Where is Churchill when you need him? COMING SOON :: WOOTTON BASSETT MARCH...