by admin | Nov 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Every once in awhile someone asks me why I bother talking to Muslims. stating that I will not will not change their mind. My response is that I am not trying to change their minds, I am talking to them to expose their mindset. One that shows the treachery of Islam,...
by admin | Sep 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
Good morning everyone. How are you? That is a pretty normal morning’s greeting. Here is the one I received today: (Click on image to enlarge.) Now that you have met my new friend Ahmed, here is a little background information on him. Apparently Ahmed is so...
by admin | Aug 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
In a steadfast effort to win the information war I refuse to back off on Islam, or even become politically correct about it. But doing so can certainly bring some life-threatening results. It is just a price we must pay in order to save our future generations from...
by admin | Aug 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Over the years I have gotten numerous threats and veiled threats from marauding Muslims. But I do not post a lot of them. It is something just that comes with the territory of raising the awareness level to the threat of Islam. Recently though there seems to be an...
by admin | Dec 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
Well, Christmas was pretty peaceful for me, but things have quickly gotten back to normal as another slave to Allah has shown me “the inner peace” that Islam brings to its followers. I have to blame Kuffar New’s Jarrad Winter for introducing me to my...
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