Tag: Sharia

Muslims to Fight Anti-Sharia Bills on Capitol Hill!

The good news is that there has been a recent uptick of anti-Sharia legislation being written across the country. The bad news is that Muslims are using our freedoms against us to fight the legislation. Tonight we learn that the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), will be holding a forum on this issue on Capital Hill.

Muslim “Memorial Day” Weekend

While non-Muslims across America were honoring our fallen WARRIORS, and rightly so, two major Islamic conventions were taking place this past weekend. The first was the 2nd annual Reviving the Islamic Spirit US Convention, which was held in Long Beach California, from May 28th – May 30th.

~The Ignorant Mayor of Dearborn~ ANOTHER Stooge of Islam!~

The behavior of Muslims today verified a key point made by Pastor Jones. Additionally, the Mayor of Dearborn, Michigan has lined up to march in step with Dearborn’s pro-Islamic procession. The procession is led by the powerhouse coalition which includes the Detroit Archbishop, Dearborn Police Chief Haddad, and Assistant Prosecutor Robert Moran.

Muslims March Through London: “USA go to Hell, UK go to Hell”, Call for War!….~Video!

In a scene of rage, UK Muslims led by Anjem Choudary took to the streets to lash out against the kuffar, while calling for Sharia. The Sharia they want to impose on the world, whether we like it or not!

As you witnessed they are deadly serious. It is obvious that Sharia is going to have to be officially banned. Then those who call for it, arrested and deported if possible.

Anjem, the Western anti-Sharia movement has just started. Allah will not grant you victory. You can count on that!
Posted by Christopher Logan at 4:33 PM

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Muslims March Through London: “USA go to Hell, UK …
About Me
Christopher Logan
For those of you who do not know me, I have been researching Islamic theology, Islamic history, and the current events of the Islamic community for more than eight years now. I have been speaking out on the worldwide problem of Islamofascism across the net and on talk radio shows. I was formerly an administrator at JihadChat. Additionally, I am a content manager and writer for Right Side News and Infidels are Cool and have had several articles published on Ali Sina’s popular Faith Freedom site. Most recently, I have contributed as a co-host and a co-producer of the Evil Conservative Radio Show, based out of NYC.
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~UK: Archbishop of Canterbury ~ Islamic Law Protects Christians~

Now, this is exactly what I am talking about when I assert that there are FAR too many non-Muslims who are clearly supporting the ideology of the enemy. Such “sympathetic” non-Muslims are aiding in the destruction of Western Civilization. To make matters worse, some of the enablers of Islam are people in high positions of power, the UK’s Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, for example. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who is the head of the Church of England. With that position, one would think that he would actually stand up for his own religion and those who are supposed to be his flock. Think again!

Germany’s Interior Minister Takes on Islam on First day on job!

Just minutes ago I posted about France’s Nicolas Sarkozy bringing the threat of Islam to a national debate. Now we see Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich wasting no time and jumping into the fray! He is not the first German authority figure to jump into this fight. Some recent examples of this are, Chancellor Angela Merkel stating that Muslims cannot live by Shariah Law if they want to live there, German authorities applying anti-Nazi laws against two non-violent pro-Shariah Islamic organizations, a German court telling a Muslim he cannot pray in school, and the Pro NRW political party receiving the funding to open up an anti-Islamic headquarters. The tide is turning…