Tag: Park 51

LW Exclusive! Ground Zero Mosque/NY Hilton Hotel Promoting Hatred!

As most of you know there has been a major battle going on over the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, which was supposed to be moved and upgraded to an imposing mega-Mosque. During this battle many non-Muslims have sided against America by supporting Islam. They blindly support the Mosque in the name of tolerance, and implied the Mosque…err….”community center” was no threat at all. But today reality comes into play!

NYC: A Quick Visit to the Park 51 Mosque

After attending the City Council Walmart meeting on Thursday, a couple of friends and I went for a walk. After walking several blocks one of them said there was a Mosque nearby but was not exactly sure which building it was in. But once we turned the corner it was more than obvious which one housed the Mosque. It was the one that was gated off and had a policeman guarding it.