NY Subway ads Expose the Hatred that Islam Spews!

Tonight once again we see the attitude that is needed to win this war. That is the infidel on the offensive attitude, and once again we see our fearless friend Pamela Geller take it to the enemy, with her new hard hitting subway ads! Go Geller!   Message to my...

CAIR’s Cyrus Commands Cronies to Commit Crimes!

First off, I would like to congratulate Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for their brilliant anti-jihad NY subway ads.   The ads were created by them to raise awareness and create dialogue. Well, they did more than that. They hit a grand slam! Besides creating...

The Anti-Islam Campaign Locks Arms Across the Pond!

Finally after over a decade of speaking against the the threat of Islam, history has been made. As Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA), the EDL’s Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, Stop the Islamisation of Europe’s...