Obama to the World: The US will Build no More Nukes

Recently Obama had blocked a shipment of bunker-busters that was slated for Israel, and in the meantime the murdering Mullahs of Iran are on their way to obtaining nuclear warheads. Now our America hating Dictator is pledging not to develop any new nuclear weapon...

Obama Blocks Delivery of Bunker-Busters to Israel

Just a few days ago I posted an article entitled “US “bunker-busters” Being Shipped, Is Iran the Last Stop?” The article was about US “bunker-busters” going from California to the British island of Diego Garcia. Supposedly they were to be...

President Obama Seeks to Bridge Differences with Islam

Looking for an article to post about Islam, I just found this one on Voice of America. It is so one-sided, that I just had to tear it apart. What makes this article more interesting than most, is that VOA is funded by the US Islamic ass kissing government of America....