by admin | Feb 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
Whatever happened to interfaith dialogue!? Whatever happened to clearing up the “misconceptions” of Islam? Oh, I forgot….Muslim propagandists only want dialogue when their partners in it are naïve and trusting non-Muslims. Unfortunately for the...
by admin | Nov 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
Not so much these days, but ever since 911 I have been told Muslims in America are different from everywhere else. Like this is the one magical country they would not try and takeover. Like this is the one magical country they would not try to mislead on Islam. Well...
by admin | Aug 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
When I was on The Last Stand Radio Show the other night, I had said one of the things we as non-Muslims needed to do is become more assertive and challenge Muslim propagandists head-on. We just cannot allow their deception to go unchallenged. Today we see another...
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