Here we go Again: Islamic Expansionism Downtown NYC

On October 17Th, I wrote about the Masjid Mosque (Masjid Manhattan), which is looking to for a new location in downtown Manhattan. As their current location is not big enough for the amount of worshippers they have. On Friday evenings the mosque, which is popular with...

Obama: Opposing Mosques Could be a Federal Crime

In the past Tennessee Lt. Governor has stated that we need to face the threat of Sharia Law in America, and hundreds of non-Muslims have come out in protest against this proposed Mosque. But none of that matters to Obama and his gang, as here they come to save the day...

The Fight Against Islamic Expansionism Continues!

Although I was offline for about a week because of another cyberattack, I have come back to some very good news. Recently we have read about non-Muslims in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Tennessee, taking a stand against Islamic expansionism. Today we learn...