CAIR’s Cyrus Commands Cronies to Commit Crimes!

First off, I would like to congratulate Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for their brilliant anti-jihad NY subway ads.   The ads were created by them to raise awareness and create dialogue. Well, they did more than that. They hit a grand slam! Besides creating...

NY Muslims: Palestinian State is in the bag!

Good evening infidels! A vote at the United Nations on whether a Palestinian State should be officially recognized is coming up. But Muslims in NY are claiming it is a done deal! Logan’s Warning has obtained some exclusive information on this matter. It will be...

The Far-Left and Muslim Alliance Against Freedom Lovers

By Christopher Logan Unfortunately a political alliance has formed across the West, and it is not a pro-Western alliance. It is pro-Islamic, anti-American, anti-Israel, and they are playing for keeps. As they are violent. A recent example of this behaviour was seen...