Tag: Gareth Bryant

Logan’s Warning Threatened With “Islamophobic” Lawsuit

Speak out against Buddhism, and it’s OK. Speak out against Christianity, and it’s OK. Speak out against Judaism, and that is OK as well. Speak out against Islam and it’s a whole different ballgame though. When a person criticizes any or all of those first religions is it basically shrugged off. When a person criticizes “the religion of peace” all hell breaks loose! Ranging from cyber-threats, to physical threats, to threats to your freedom of speech. This one coming from US Imam, Gareth Bryant. An America hating Imam who proudly supports 8 to 12 years old children being married off because they have reached puberty.

Exclusive ~ Child Marriage Supporting Imam Hired by “Mental Health” Org That Counsels Children

Friends, If you are like me you know that there is no one who needs our protection more than the children of America. Which is why this article is beyond disturbing. If you have been following my recent articles on the America hating, and child marriage supporting US Muslim Imam/Chaplain, Gareth Bryant, you will see the major concerns I have with this hiring.

US Muslim Chaplain Responds to Logan’s Warning Articles

If you follow Logan’s Warning you probably have noticed my new “Muslim Comment of the day” series. Created in an effort to do the job our government and mainstream media will not do. Expose the Muslim mindset. Because we cannot defeat Islam without understanding their mindset.

US Muslim Chaplain to Logan’s Warning ~ Females who hit Puberty at 8 to 12 are no Longer Children…

Yes I know! The headline is absolutely sickening! Unfortunately I have no choice but to report the truth here on Logan’s Warning. No matter how disturbing it is. If you have been following my site this week you probably read my article that exposed US Muslim Chaplain Gareth Bryant’s ungrateful attitude and absolute hatred for the country he resides in. America. As I promised at the end of that article his mindset only gets worse.

US Muslim Chaplain to Logan’s Warning ~ F#@k America!

I apologize for the headline, but I tell it like it is here on Logan’s Warning. Not long ago a Muslim named Gareth Bryant showed up on my YouTube to express his displeasure with the points I make on Islam. From there things quickly escalated though. As Gareth went onto email me and that is where his hatred for the country he resides in surfaced. America.