Islam 101: Islam “respects” Other Religions

As the regular non-Muslims who post here know, Muslims continually visit this site in an attempt to whitewash Islam. One of their favorite lines is that Islam respects other religions. The Muslims who say this supply us with nothing more than their word, which means...

Islam and What it Means to Christians

Fighting Islam is not about religion to me, it is about preserving the freedoms of Western Civilization for our families future generations. In order to win this war, we are going to need to have a louder voice than Muslims. Although they are a minority here, they are...

To Those who are Outraged at Burn a Koran Day

I can understand people not agreeing with the upcoming “Burn a Koran Day”. But the whole thing has really been blown out of proportion, and people need to stop acting like this is some world crisis. Two of the most recognized people who have spoken out...