Montreal: Muslims Have Crucifixes Removed in Hospital

This was sent in from a reader in Montreal. From John in Montreal. My friend at the Lachine Hospital in Montreal told me Muslim lab employees had the crucifixes removed from the premises they were working. Those were crucifixes that were also part of it`s heritage,...

American Muslims and Protestants, can we Talk?

A more accurate title to this article would be, “American Muslims to Protestants, can we lie to you?” Last week there was a survey taken of Protestant Pastors. The results were that they agreed with Rev. Graham, as they also stand against Islam as well....

US Church Buys Anti-Islam ad

Well there is some good news this morning, we can add the Granite City Baptist Church to the short list of Churches that are brave enough to speak out against the threat of Islam. Three others being the Dove World Outreach Center, the Iranian led Fishermen’s House...