554 search results for "threat"

UK Race Baiting Muslim Quisling Convert Attempts to Mislead the Public on Islam

Good afternoon friends. If you have read my last two articles you know that they were about a UK quisling convert named Paul Williams. A convert who praises martyrdom and the Muslim leader of the Armenian Massacres. Unfortunately today I have to expose another UK quisling convert. One who goes by the moniker “Dowie the White Muslim Fella. Essa”.

UK Quisling Convert to Islam Praises Martyrdom

Unfortunately while there are Brits like Paul Weston, founder of the Liberty GB Party, who understand that Islam is a threat to non-Muslims, there are also British quislings like Paul Williams who treacherously join the cult of hatred and perversion. AKA Islam.

Muslim Comment(s) of the day #15 ~ The Fight for Child sex

While much of the West feels the need to give Islam and Muslims the benefit of the doubt, I feel the need to expose Islam and the threatening Muslim mindset. A mindset that no other site wants to touch. Why? Because apparently your average Mo is off limits to so called experts such as Frank Gaffney, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer. All willing to give most Muslims the benefit of the doubt. A proven culture killing policy.

India ~ Police Officer Busted for Propagating Islam ~ Video

What do America, the Bahamas, India, Japan, Taiwan, and the UK etc. all have in common? They are all countries that have mistakenly respected Islam as a religion. Which is short-term thinking. Because Islam is a threat that needs to be looked upon in a long-term manner. The reason being is that history shows us that respecting Islam as a religion is a slow cultural suicide. Proof being that there are currently 195 countries on the planet. 50 of the them Muslim majority. Obviously that did not happen overnight.

Harvard Law School ~ Islamic Law School

For years I have been saying things that many people just do not want to hear and face. One being that Muslims do not have to be anywhere near the majority of America in order to be a threat and make major changes to the country. Because they know just who to target. Our media, our politicians, and our universities. A second being that the Saudis are no allies of America. The third is that Islam cannot be protected as a religion and defeated at the same time.

So Called Experts Empower Muslims via the Abraham Accords

To many people Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Frank Gaffney of the Center of Security Policy, Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch are seen as experts when it comes to the threat of Islam or what some of them mistakenly call Islamism or radical Islam.

13 Years Later an Ex-Reagan Advisor, Frank Gaffney, Still Does Not Understand Islam!

Wow has time passed by! Nearly a decade ago I penned an article titled “How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?”. An article which featured quotes by so called experts on the issue of Islam or what some of them call Islamism. A term I refuse to use because it is politically correct terminology that lays cover for the threat of Islam itself.

Ben & Jerry’s Join the Jihad

Since we here at Logan’s Warning are on the topic of the violent jihad that is attacking Israel off and on, we now move onto the useful idiots of Ben & Jerry’s.