554 search results for "threat"

NYC: Muslims Make Major Marriage Push

I have said it before and I will say it again. The threat of Islam is two-tier threat. One being the threat of violent jihad. The second being what I call insidious Islam, AKA stealth jihad. In which Muslims use the freedoms of the West against the West in order to change non-Islamic countries to suit Islam.

US Army: Muslims Want Peace

Shorty after 911 is when I first took on the subject of the threat of Islam. Ever since then it was obvious that the “response” of Western authority figures was an attempt to sort out the so called good Muslims from the bad. While not naming Islam itself as an enemy ideology. An attempt that has empowered Islam to expand across the West.

Muslim in USA to LW: Law Enforcement Will Help me Find you, I’ll Drain Your Blood

Unfortunately the pattern continues with Muslims who think that Islam and Mohammad are beyond criticism. Freedom of speech not meaning a thing to them. Yet they turn around and use freedom of speech in an attempt to intimidate critics of Islam into silence.

NYC: Muslima Calls for Revolution!

Today’s NY Post ran a cover story on CUNY Graduate Fatima Mousa Mohammed. It was a good start, but unfortunately the publication did not give enough background on CUNY or Islam. So I will gladly do so.

Lunatic for Allah Slanders and runs From Debate ~ Audio

For those who are new to Logan’s Warning my two main objectives here are to expose the Muslim mindset and the threat of Islam itself. This article will focus on the former. The Muslim mindset. Which is a mindset of lies and deceit, and there is no better subject matter on this than Clubhouse’s Luton Azad Kashmiri 2.0. A lying lunatic for Allah who resides in the UK. One who runs his mouth and then runs from discussing Islam with me. #coward

UK Muslim to LW: You are Asking for Another 9/11

For years I have been warning my fellow American citizens to look towards the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Why? Because Muslims there are getting more and more brazen. Two of the latest examples of this are recent convert to Islam mega-influencer Andrew “Traitor” Tate threatening critics of Islam, and this unknown Muslim convert below who I spoke to on Clubhouse last night.

Logan’s Warning to Andrew Traitor Tate: Go and Martyr Yourself

Why does it have to come to this? Because as I have been saying, part of the Islamic playbook are the attempted acts of intimidation against those who bravely criticize Islam. Done in an effort to silence the critics of Islam. Because if we cannot even criticize the ideology of hatred and perversion, we certainly cannot defeat it. In other words never bow to these bullies.

London ~ Stealth Jihad Alert ~ Halal Speed Dating

I have said it over and over. The threat of Islam is a two-tier threat. The first being the obvious threat of violent jihadists. The second and much less obvious is the non-violent threat of stealth jihad or what I call “insidious Islam”. A threat that uses the freedoms of non-Islamic countries against the country.