554 search results for "threat"

Logan’s Warning DISABLED on Facebook

Those who are friends with me on Facebook know that over the last year or so I was continually getting 30 day suspensions for speaking the truth about Islam. That did not discourage me as I continued to speak out. Apparently the Sharia Police of Facebook were not happy about it though. So this time they did not suspend me, they disabled me. Completely beheading my account.

Media Failure Alert ~ Robert Spencer & Breitbart Lend Support to a Muslim Running for Congressional Office

The first phase in winning the war with Islam is winning the information war. A war in which the Muslim propaganda misinformation machine runs 24/7. Part of the misinformation they spread is that Muslims can be trusted, and that we can peacefully coexist with Islam in America. Which is just false hope.

The King of Jordan ~ Our “Moderate Ally” ~ Exposed

Ever since 911 Western policy on Islam has been an attempt to align with the so called good Muslims. In the hope that they would save us from the “bad” Muslims. One of the so called good Muslims is King Abdullah II of Jordan. A supposed ally of America. While my stance has been that he is no ally, and that Muslims just cannot be trusted.

Kurd to Logan’s Warning: I Will Kill you

Because I was told that the Kurds were allies of America. Despite the fact that they helped the Turks with the Armenian Genocide, are persecuting Assyrian Christians, and helping change America to suit Islam.

Logan’s Warning ~ The Next Phase

When Trump won the election I had thought things might change in the media in regards to Islam. At least a little bit. Unfortunately it did not as the same nation killing politically correct terminology is still being used. So in an effort to further educate the public I have decided to start my own weekly (for now) video shows.