Defeat Jihad Summit~ F. Gaffney to Jasser: How can We Reform Islam?

The other day a colleague of mine named Martel Sobieskey, alerted me to YouTube video of the recent Frank Gaffney “lead” Defeat Jihad Summit. Just as in the past, Team Gaffney has no real long-term answers in winning this war. In fact this time Frank truly showed just how uninformed he is on Islam itself, and his straight out fear of naming Islam itself as the enemy. Something Zuhdi Jasser encourages him to do.

NAI Exclusive: Twitter Muslim’s Instructions on how to Behead!

Even if you do not own a website, there are other ways you can help out in the war with Islam. One of them is what I like to call jihadi hunting (in a non-violent way) on the social media networks. Because Muslims are getting more and more brazen we can find online threats, and also expose their deplorable beliefs to the public.

As per Koranic verse 47:4. Beheadings.

North American Infidels TKO of CAIR Texas – Houston!

Whatever happened to interfaith dialogue!? Whatever happened to clearing up the “misconceptions” of Islam? Oh, I forgot….Muslim propagandists only want dialogue when the recipients of it are naïve and trusting non-Muslims.

Unfortunately for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), that is not us here at North American Infidels.