German Court Tells Muslim he Cannot Pray in School

While many of our so called “leaders”, are suffering from a severe case of Muslim Appeasement Delusional Disorder (MADD), a court in Germany has decided that a Muslim should not get special treatment. Facts show us that Muslims are changing non-Islamic...

New Vote: Ground Zero Mega-Mosque Gets Approved 29-1!

In a past article about the Ground Zero mega-Mosque, board chair Julie Menin had made the following statement. “this will be overturned by the full board” later this month. Unfortunately she was wrong, and it was approved almost unanimously. The non-violent aspect of...

Obama Doctrine to Make Clear no war on Islam: Aide

One of the things that our government is supposed to do  is protect us, instead Dictator Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and John Brennan, Assistant to the President For Homeland Security and Counterterrorism are doing just the opposite. They are protecting the...

Comment Issue

Hi guys, I see that there is a problem with some comments being deleted. I just wanted you to know that I am not doing it. I have notified Intense Debate about the problem. Hopefully it will be taken care of today. Sorry for the...

California: Muslim Unity Day September 18, 2010

Besides this event, Muslim are in uniting in California for the upcoming “Reviving the Islamic Spirit~ US Convention”, in Massachusetts with their list of demands for Governor Patrick, against the “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day”. They are opening...