California: Mosque Calls for Muslim Unity and Sharia

The Masjid Annur‎ Islamic Center located at 6990 65th St, Sacramento CA‎, is doing as many other Mosques, and Islamic organizations in America are doing. They are calling for a united ummah, and promoting Sharia Law. Muslims are not hiding their agenda, and they are...

Florida: Muslim Congress Conference 4Th of July Weekend

I have noticed that the more Islam advances in America, the nastier many leftists are in defense of it. So while many of us are arguing with leftists about Islam, what are Muslims doing? They are uniting in conferences across America. This one takes place at the Hyatt...

Rabbi Brad Hirschfield~ Supporter of Islam

Not only do we have to fight Islam head on, we also need to expose the non-Muslim enablers of the Islamic movement. Because without them, Islam would not stand a chance in the West. Struggle Over Proposed Mosque In Staten Island Rabbi Brad Hirschfield A group called...