by admin | Jul 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
In the closing session of the 2010 Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS) conference, slave to Allah, and Islamic Law expert Dr. Zainab Alwani clearly shows us where her loyalty lies. Her being a doctor, does not mean she stands for our way of life over Sharia. (Even...
by admin | Jul 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
Tonight we get to take another look at the insidious Islamic movement that it taking place in America. This is the second video that is posted here from the Hizb ut-Tahrir America’s, June 26Th Khilafah Conference 2011. In the first one Muhammed Abu called for Sharia...
by admin | Jul 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary clearly lays out the plan to implement Sharia on the UK. The enemy is inside the gates. Why is the government of the UK doing nothing about this threat? It is time to ban Sharia Law, and charge those who call for it with...
by admin | Jul 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
This afternoon I put in a call to Reverend Michael D. Rasicci of the Calvary Episcopal Church. This is the Reverend who I wrote about the other day. He allows Muslims to have a Mosque in the Church basement. The conversation went like this. CL: Is this Reverend...
by admin | Jul 12, 2011 | Uncategorized
In the past I have challenged Islamic apologist’s such as Alan Colmes, Harvard’s Dr. Cesari, and Professor Juan Cole to debate me on Islam. Usually they do not have the courage to show up, or they quickly run away as Juan Cole did. Late last night I saw an...
by admin | Jul 12, 2011 | Uncategorized
Just two days ago Muslims in the UK stated they will soon be enforcing Sharia Law in several sections of country. If you think Muslims in America are different and do not want Sharia, please take a look at this video from Hizb ut-Tahrir America’s, June 26Th...
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