Comic Book Death Threats

Comic Book Death Threats

In this short post we are going to take a lighter approach to the very serious threat of Islam and speaking out against it. Sure I have gotten plenty of death threats in past. Besides those I have been threatened with an “Islamophobic” lawsuit. Even...
California: Muslims Look to Double Up Mosque

California: Muslims Look to Double Up Mosque

I truly enjoy bringing my teammates articles that are about victories over Islam no matter where they take place on the planet. I also feel it is my duty to report the bad news on threat Islam as well in order to keep us up to date on the issue. Leading me to...
Mali: The Declining Grand Mosque of Djenné Africa

Mali: The Declining Grand Mosque of Djenné Africa

While I woke up to a beautiful Sunday morning here in NY, things are not going so well for the historic Islamic “learning” center in Mali Djenne Africa. Which thankfully includes a major drop in tourism to the The Grand Mosque of Djenné. Which is actually...
India: Muslims are Losing Political Power

India: Muslims are Losing Political Power

Do you remember what I said Muslims have turned the freedoms of non-Islamic countries into tools of Islam? Well the way to combat that in the short term is to be as assertive (excluding the violence of course) as they are and take a stand for life as you know it. One...