Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Calls for Nukes to Deal with Israel

Wait a second! How can this be? Is the Kuwaiti scholar of Islam not paying attention?! Did he not get the memo?! According to Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum (MEF), the Abraham Accords (so called peace deals between Israel and a handful of Muslim majority countries) were supposed to bring peace to the Middle East. Obviously they haven’t. In fact they have made things worse.

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Tareq Al-Suwaidan Blasts “Defeatist” Arab Countries on Al-Jazeera: “Shut Up and Let the Mujahideen Do Their Work;” The Muslims Will Conquer Rome, Dominate the World Again

Kuwaiti Islamic scholar Tareq Al-Suwaidan criticized “defeatist countries” that recognized “their enemy” Israel. He said: “Shut up and let the mujahideen do their work.” He made his remarks during an interview that aired on Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) on May 12, 2021. Al-Suwaidan continued to say that the defeatist countries sent their condolences to Israel following the Meron stampede, but not to the “martyrs of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades.” He also said that if Arabs are not capable of confronting Israel now, they must not surrender, but pass the banner on to the next generation that might invent a nuclear bomb. Al-Suwaidan quoted a hadith, according to which the Muslims would conquer Rome and Constantinople, adding: “The Muslims will dominate the world once again.”

For those who do not know mujahideen means Muslims fighting for the cause of Allah.

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Where does the call for Muslims to dominate the world come from?

Koran 9:33

Wait, there is more!
Pakistani MP calls for use of nuclear weapons against Israel

“Did we make atomic bombs to show them in a museum? We don’t need missiles, atomic bombs or a huge army if they can’t be used to liberate Palestine,” says Maulana Chitrali. 

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Besides the horrific calls for Islamic nukes the resolution from the Saudi Arabia initiated Organization of Islamic Cooperation conference about the Israel – Palestine conflict has been released.

Resolution Adopted by The Virtual Open-Ended Extraordinary Meeting of The OIC Executive Committee at The Level of Foreign Ministers to Discuss The Aggression by Israel, The Occupying Power, in The Palestinian Territories, in Particular, Al-Quds Al-Shareef (East Jerusalem)

Date: 16/05/2021

The virtual open-ended extraordinary meeting of the OIC Executive Committee at the level of foreign minister held on Sunday 4 Shawwal 1442AH, corresponding to 16th May 2021, upon the request of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chair of the Islamic Summit, to discuss the aggression by Israel, the occupying Power in the Palestinian territories, particularly, Al-Quds Al-Shareef.

Having reviewed the latest developments in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem, in particular the escalating aggression by the occupation forces and the extremist Israeli settlers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram Al-Shareef, the forced eviction of Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem, the killing and maiming of civilians, the growing barbaric attack on the Gaza Strip, giving free rein to all means of lethal military aggression against defenceless Palestinian civilians, which has killed and injured hundreds and caused widespread destruction of civilian properties and extensive suffering, constituting direct threat to international peace and security,

* Condemns in the strongest terms the barbaric attacks launched by Israel, the occupying authority, against the Palestinian people and their land and holy sites; demands complete and immediate stop of these attacks that have affected innocent civilians and their properties, in gross violation of international law and United Nations resolutions on the question of Palestine; and warns that the continuation of and incitement to these attacks and provocations, the threat on the lives of innocent civilians, causing severe suffering to them increase the risks of instability, with serious implications for security in and outside of the region;

Link to Resolution

There are two major problems with the resolution. The first being that it fails to mention the over 4K rockets that have been fired at Israel, and the second being the fact that the Hamas Charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

Finally the Abraham Accords have “accomplished” one more thing. They have empowered Muslims in non-violent ways. The following being one example.

The billion-dollar UAE-Israel gas deal will go forward

The ongoing bombing of Gaza is unlikely to deter the UAE from investing big in its new ally’s gas fields.

In April, the United Arab Emirates’ Mubadala Petroleum, which belongs to Mubadala Investment Co, a sovereign wealth fund with $232bn in assets, signed a memorandum of understanding to buy a 22 percent stake in Israel’s Tamar offshore field. Once completed, this will be the biggest business deal between the two Middle Eastern nations since they normalised their ties in August 2020.

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Besides generating income for Muslims deals like this empower Muslims two more ways. Leverage and influence in non-Islamic countries. Which leads to what? More Islam in them. Some people just never learn though.