United States to Donate $40 Million to UNRWA
Feb/05/10(IsraelNN.com) The United States announced on Thursday that it will donate $40 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Arabs in the Palestinian Authority-assigned areas, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria who fled when Israel was established in 1948. About a quarter of the package is supposed to be designated for food and the creation of jobs. The rest is for maintaining basic services provided by the agency.
The American funding comes despite a report commissioned by the European parliament, which showed that Hamas terrorists have been chosen by the agency’s labor union to oversee its Gaza facilities, which was part of a Canadian decision last month to stop its UNRWA funding.
The laundry list of Obama supporting the enemy is getting longer and longer. Three other recent articles that show us examples of this are “US Terror Blacklist Whitewashes Hamas, Enables Funding”, “Obama Welcomes Islamic Terrorist Into America”, and “Obama/Gates: We Recognize the Taliban”. Don’t blame me, I did not vote for him.
The case against this dickhead just keeps growing. I wonder if Obama will be the first US President tried and convicted of treason in the history of this country. he's got a lot of friends that should be facing the same charges too.
He should be tried with treason, and if he does drinks are on me T!
I'm not american so I don't know about all the presidents back to Washington. Most of the ones in th 19th century is anonymous to us by exception of Lincoln. But still of all the presidents of more modern times, he must be the worst of them all. Not even Nixon and Dubya comes even close! Yes and I agree he should be trialed for treason since he's a muz.
why isn't this reported in the news?
wheres FOX,CNN,CBS????
This after giving Gaza 900 MILLION, Zimbawe 70 MILLION???
And while Americans are losing their jobs and homes, and our seniors have had their cost of living raises frozen???
Impeachment needs to be started immediately.
Let me repeat what I constantly post everywhere. Its great that we keep up the communication on these various web sites, but its not enough. We have to send this to our Congressmen. Send the article and news blasts to our representatives in Washington. Let them know what is going on and how we feel. I fax mine all the time.
I grew some balls listening to Glenn Beck, and everyone else can too. Speak without fear!
No secret service is going to come to your house, no midnight phone calls from DC. You just have to do it.
If you don't…..then we are going to read and hear more of this radical islamic crap coming over the news. And we are going to watch our Feedoms just disappear.
You are 100% correct, thanks for the reminder.
I am with you Bro. This crap keeps happenning over and over and 42% of America STILL support him. How can this BE??? It is outrageous so how can OUR senators, house and Scott let this go through. Who is behind writing this bill as a good idea?
Hi Steven,
We are broke, and they just continue to spend, and spend. It is like they do not care at all, about the future of America.
Flashback…Bush gives money to Terrorists too…$85 Million to UNRWA
He was wrong also. Can you admit that Obama is wrong?
Does that really surprise you for a Marxist-Muslim. Which by the way is an oxymoron. Between he and Reid and the wicked Witch of the West, No sense Pelosi, they are killing this country.
cross posted.