Unfortunately after bringing Logan’s Warning readers over a weeks worth of good news in regards to the threat of Islam, now I have to report some bad Biden news. Despite the fact that Muslims in America have recently turned on Traitor Joe, his administration has opened the door for 25K migrants….errr invaders who were banned from entering America under President Trump’s “Muslim ban”.
Community Members Wrongfully Denied Visas from Trump’s Muslim Ban Win Major Agreement to Repair Far-Reaching Harms
SAN FRANCISCO, C.A. — In an unwavering assertion of people’s rights to find safety and a better life, a federal judge has approved a major agreement that provides a clear visa reconsideration process, including waived application fees, to nearly 25,000 community members from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen who were harmed by the Trump administration’s Muslim Ban.
Better life? If you follow the issue of Islam and Muslims you most likely know that Muslims don’t come to non-Islamic countries in order to assimilate. They come to dominate as the Koran calls for.

As a result of former President Trump’s Muslim Ban, the policy denied thousands of people a fair chance at obtaining a visa and subsequently deprived them of opportunities for family reunification, jobs, and education. In 2018, community members who were unjustly denied their visas and immigration services groups like Pars Equality Center filed lawsuits to ensure the U.S. government created a fair, efficient visa reconsideration process. Since then, the U.S. government has dragged its feet, despite consistent rulings from the court confirming the State Department’s responsibility. Last year, the federal judge went so far as to call the government’s handling of the lawsuits a “theater of the absurd.” In March, the judge consolidated the two cases, Emami v. Nielsen and Pars Equality Center v. Blinken, and granted them class-action status—calling out the government for being “careless and obstructive” and “wholly unjust,” and for “hobbl[ing] the fair administration of justice.”
In other words let us give Muslims the benefit of the doubt. Which equates to one thing. Cultural suicide.

Of course most of the mainstream media will be OK with this Biden Betrayal. Which is exactly why we the people need to spread the word to our fellow Americans about the threat of Muslim immigration. Which is why we need to make Logan’s Warning the go to site on this issue. You can help make that happen by making a one time or monthly contribution on the site today. Thank you.

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