Italian riots: migrants and residents clash in southern town
Residents of an Italian town beat with iron bars, shot at and ran over immigrants Friday, wounding nine – two seriously – in a second night of racially charged violence, authorities and reports said.Clashes in the Calabrian town of Rosarno, which erupted on Thursday during a protest by mainly African farm labourers, had injured 18 policemen and 19 foreigners in two days, authorities in Reggio Calabria province said.
Around 100 locals armed with batons and metal bars, and some carrying clubs and cans of petrol, had meanwhile set up a barricade late Friday near a place where many immigrants meet, the Italian news agency ANSA reported.
Others had earlier occupied the town hall to demand immigrants be removed, Italian media reported.
In separate incidents on Friday, two immigrants were beaten and seriously wounded with iron bars, media and officials said. One of the wounded was admitted to hospital for brain surgery.
Two other immigrants were shot in the legs with hunting shotguns and five more were deliberately run over by vehicles driven by locals, they said. They were lightly hurt.
Police arrested the occupants of one of the vehicles, ANSA said, quoting investigators.
The violence broke out Thursday when hundreds of immigrants, most of them Africans employed illegally as farm labourers, demonstrated after some of them had been shot at with an air rifle, ANSA said.
Demonstrators set fire to cars and smashed windscreens before police intervened, leading to a scuffle that left several of the demonstrators wounded, ANSA said.
The disturbances continued on Friday with about 2,000 immigrants holding a sit-in in the centre of Rosarno while Italian residents blocked roads and occupied the town hall.
Prayers for the good people of Italy. Cool heads must prevail.
Viva, Italia!
They look just like "they" do in Detroit or anywhere else primitive trash congregates.
The problem here is that these African immigrants never read about the history of the Punic Wars. You think they should show the film Spartacus and who the Romans treated people who didn't get with the program?
Hey Jack,
The tide will turn and it will not be pretty. They just do not know when to stop pushing.
Thanks for dropping by!
I wonder if it was the rising crime rate that followed in these immigrants steps that finally became the final straw for the local italians? I mean such hatred like this doesn't come out of nothing. They must have been beating up, robbing and raping the locals, the usual third world modus operandi.
Apparently the West is supposed to allow 3rd worlders to come into our countries and do whatever they want, without us saying a word.
Hey, where has V been?
If you mean Vaileth she has left the Varjager-blog. She has a couple of her own blogs but they seem to be resting at the moment. I think she was hurt by attacks from some commentators, I'm not entirely sure what it was about. Maybe she also wanted to focus on her school works too. You could try mailing her.
Hopefully she will be back soon, thanks for the update.
These are the type of things to come. Won't be long when it will be near you if immigrants keep coming in uncontrollable numbers . The very hand which feeds them ,they will bite it. Stop mass immigration into EU.
Most parties in parlament here in Sweden wants open borders. These traitors consider themselves more world citizens than swedes. They want to abolish the national states which they blame för every evil on earth, capitalism, racism, nazism, imperialism and destruction of environment. According to their view everyone on earth is entitled to live wherever they want. These people are mentally demented and should be removed. I'm quite sure politicians in other countries reasons along similar lines as these. If we can't vote them out there will break out civil wars all over Europe, that is one thing for sure.
The biggest threat to EU is not form outside, but from within our boarders, with PC brigade,Lefty Loonies , liberals, and if we don't get rid of them in the coming elections, then God help us all. May be even God has lost his power against Islam. http://www.barenakedislam.wordpress.com http://www.danielpipes.org http://www.americancongressfortrurh.com
The same thing is happening here in America as well, it is just not as bad yet. The left and Muslims are working hand in hand to destroy life as we know it.
I imagine most Europeans and certainly most Americans are unaware of the agreements made between the Arabic states and the EEC (pre E.U.) that have caused the massive influx of immigrants from Muslim nations. These treaties were signed beginning in the 1970's to the benefit of the Arabs and the detriment of Europe. Good luck, guys…
If this is not stopped, they will defeat us just through immigration. Meanwhile most Western politicians are frozen in fear on this issue.
That’s when Europe stopped seeing its interests.
If it had been in the 1940s, there would at least have been the “bled white” excuse.
But this is nothing but cultural genocide and the Arabization/Islamization of Europe.
The EEC, what a bunch of idiots.
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America eventually will be “Balkanized”. We have too many third world turds, both illegal and illegal.
This article is a glimpse of America’s future.
Remember boys and girls: “Diversity creates Adversity!”
Segregation makes for good countries and self preservation.
I am saddened and angry to see our demographics change undesirably. Once the Caucasion is gone, how will they provide electricity for themselves? How will they produce food? How will they extract the Earth’s natural resources? No cell phones, no cars, no climate control, no innovations, the list goes on and on…Hey but we’re the “evil” ones, right?
Those illegals in Italy should be swingin’ on a vine in the jungle, not enjoying a cultured European country. They can’t cope with civilization. You know, wild animals need to be wild…Think about it.