Tag: Imam Mohammad Abdul-Azeez

My Email to Sacramento’s Newsreview.com

Here is my email to Bob Schmidt of Newsreview.com. He is the reporter who wrote today’s article “The all-American Mosque”. In this article he blindly repeats what Imam Mohammad Abdul-Azeez of the SALAM Center has told him, and does even begin to try and dig into what the Imam, and Islamic Center are all about. One of the main reasons we are losing the war with Islam is because the MSM is so protective of it. In return we must refute their claims about Islam, and take the time to let them know we will challenge them every time we see one of their whitewash’s of Islam. Here is what I just sent to Bob and the editors of Newsreview.com.

Sacramento: Welcoming a $4 million Islamic Center That Teaches Children About the “enemies” of Islam

What is at least one thing that Sacramento and Seattle, have in common? They are both blindly welcoming the ideology of the enemy in. The SALAM Center at 4541 College Oak Drive, is scheduled to move into a new $4.4 million dollar Mosque and Islamic Center this January. The Mosque is led by Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez. The Imam comes off like he has good intentions, but lets take a closer look at his words and Islamic Center.