Tag: FOX News

Walid Shoebat Foundation Takes Stand for America~ the Truth on Islam~ and Logan’s Warning~ Calls out Hannity on Islam!

Years ago “Muslims Against Sharia” was the rage. Non-Muslims were lining up to support them, as they were supposed to reform Islam. After a short while I got the feeling something was not right with MAS, and questioned their foul-mouth leader Khalim Massoud on what Mosques and Islamic organizations supported them. On how they were going to reform the Koran and get it accepted across the Islamic world. Those simple questions angered him, and he blocked me on Facebook. As the argument was taking place a lot of non-Muslims turned on me for speaking the truth and taking them out of their fantasy world of MAS reforming Islam. They were so angry that they were bad mouthing me for months on FB. Many of the them even blocked me. Thankfully most of them finally admitted that Khalim was just all talk. That was the beginning of the truth campaign!

Sean Hannity’s Muslim “Friend” Mike Ghouse Responds to Logan’s Warning! Part I

Recently I posted an article entitled “Sean Hannity: Kissing Islamic Ass!”. It was sent to Hannity on Twitter by numerous people. Predictably Sean took the easy way out and ignored it. Apparently he cannot refute my statements about him and Islam. But Mike Ghouse (MG), one of Sean’s Muslim “friends” has responded to Logan’s Warning. This is the second time that the interfaith Islamocoman has tried to refute me on Islam. The first time he failed miserably, and this time it will be no different. Expect that see Mike’s true colors come out even more…

Sean Hannity: Kissing Islamic Ass!

Approximately three months ago I was on Twitter talking to a woman about Islam and the UK’s Anjem Choudary. She was a Twitter friend of Fox’s Sean Hannity and had tagged him in an effort to bring him into our conversation. I had said that I will give Choudary one thing. He does know Islam. Now Hannity could have and should have minded his own business, but the Fox anchor could not help himself. He quickly charged into the conversation by taking a stand for Islam.