Tag: food carts

North American Infidels Exclusive: NY Muslims Bully Church and Residency of Fathers!

I am sure many of you remember my report on the halal food cart plague that has spread across NYC. A report that was picked up by an Iranian media giant, the AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA). In it I showed how Muslim vendors completely disrespected Ground Zero by surrounding it with halal carts.

Of course nothing is ever enough for the Islamobullies of the world, so they have found another target. This time the target is Christianity.

Recently walking down a NYC street I noticed a halal cart in a strange location.

NYC: Red Rock Outdoor Advertising Feeding the Islamic Beast!

Over the years I have given numerous examples on how Muslim use our freedoms against us to slowly Islamify America. One method is the free market jihad, in which Muslims use our capitalist freedoms in an effort to help spread Islam. But the situation works in reverse as well. As trusting non-Muslims naively and suicidally feed the Islamic beast.

The Middle East has Come to NYC

Never in my entire life did I recall music being broadcast onto the streets of NY from a food cart. But over the last year or two, there have been plenty of firsts for me in the city. One was hearing the Islamic prayers being broadcast onto the streets from a West side Mosque, another was seeing halal food carts surrounding Ground Zero and spread across the city like a spiderweb, and a third was seeing Muslims rallying at Times Square in support of the “Egyptian Revolution”. A revolution that has put Islamic political parties like the Muslim Brotherhood into a position of power. Another recent first took place the other day when I was walking through the city, and could not help but hear Egyptian music being blasted like a rock concert for all to hear.