41 search results for "fan mail"

The Bitter Truth: “Moderate” Muslims are not Coming to the Rescue

As most of you know I have been speaking out against the threat of Islam for approximately eight years now. Over the years, I have seen the same pattern of denial and baseless wishful thinking. Obviously President Bush knew of the threat of violent Muslims, but outside of that he was uninformed on Islam. Him continually telling us that Islam was a religion of peace has set us back years in the war against Islam. Bush believed that “moderate” Muslims and democracy, were going to transform the Islamic world into a peaceful coexistence with us. In fact democracy with Muslims has not only backfired on us, it has also legitimized Islamic terrorist organizations like Hamas when they were voted into office. Some other examples of this failure are Sharia being implemented in Somalia, after it was voted in, Hezbollah gaining power in the government of Lebanon, and what might just be the most dangerous Islamic political party of all, Turkey’s AKP Party has won two consecutive elections. They are also possibly on their way to a third victory.

Twitter Posts Show top US Military Officials Pandering to Islam

This morning I spent some time on Twitter trying to dig up some good information. What I found were Tweets on the page of Farah Pandith, who is Secretary Clinton’s Special Representative to Muslim Communities. One of them shows she is in support of the opening of the Sharia “college” in America. The others show us high ranking military officials who are pandering to Islam.

California: Muslim Unity Day September 18, 2010

Besides this event, Muslim are in uniting in California for the upcoming “Reviving the Islamic Spirit~ US Convention”, in Massachusetts with their list of demands for Governor Patrick, against the “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day”. They are opening Mosques in Staten Island, Wisconsin, and trying to shove two down our throats at Ground Zero. They are obviously focused and hellbent on taking the United States of America, and turning it into the Islamic State of America. We as non-Muslims need to stop bickering amongst ourselves, unite, stay focused, and have more determination than they do. Lets bring back American pride, and topple Islamic pride. We can do it!

Muslims Strike Back: “Everybody draw Holocaust day” (30 June 2010)

Like A bunch of bratty children, Muslims have to strike back, and have started an “Everybody draw Holocaust day” Facebook page. What they fail to understand is that if they were not threatening us, that “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day” never would have happened. They just do not know when to stop pushing. The bottom line is that, multiculturalism with Islam does not work, and we are on a collision course with Muslims. Muslim immigration was one of the biggest mistakes, the West has ever made.

Pentagon Bans More Christians From National Day of Prayer

The pathetic Pentagon takes another swing at Christianity, and bows down to Islam once again. Apparently the Pentagon has no issues with the Islamic scriptures, that speak out against Christians, but they do have issues with people like Rev. Graham, that speak the truth about Islam. They also had issues with the truth being spoken about the Islamic attack at Fort Hood, as they whitewashed the Islamic factor in their report on the massacre. I guess that they only see what they want, as they remain in their “moderate” Islam is coming to the rescue fantasy.

Christian Science Monitor: Islam and Muslims Should not Scare you

While this is an opinion piece, it is a bit disturbing that the Christian Science Monitor would even publish this. As Christians are being persecuted across the Islamic world, and the letter is full of misinformation, and demands from a Muslim. Whether CSM wants to admit it or not, Islam is at war with Christianity, and in no way should Christians help Muslims in the information war.

Lying Imam: US Constitution and the Koran the Same

Just a few days I posted an article entitled “Lying Imam’s “Fatwa Against Terrorism” Exposed!”, in which I pointed out just how meaningless the Fatwa is. I had also sent the link to the Imams and my friend Louis who runs Annaqed “The Critic”, sent them an article about Sharia and the US Constitution. I have not yet received a response, but here is what Louis got back.