Israel: Stealth Jihad Empowers the Enemy Within

Israel: Stealth Jihad Empowers the Enemy Within

While the Israel is clearly winning the physical war against Palestine, there is another war raging on within Israel. A non-violent one that destroys from within. A war tactic called stealth jihad. In which Muslims use the freedoms of non-Islamic countries as tools in...
France Continues the Crack Down on Stealth Jihad

France Continues the Crack Down on Stealth Jihad

For those new to the subject, “stealth jihad” is a non-violent attempt by Muslims to change non-Islamic countries to suit Islam by using the freedoms of that country against it. One of the main targets of this movement is the education system. What better...
Stealth Jihad Snares NY Again

Stealth Jihad Snares NY Again

Like an expanding spiderweb stealth jihad spreads across NYC. With one intention. Which is for Islam to dominate over all. Once again showing us that Muslims are not here to assimilate, but to dominate as the Koran calls for. Showing that Muslims selfishly don’t...
London ~ Stealth Jihad Alert ~ Halal Speed Dating

London ~ Stealth Jihad Alert ~ Halal Speed Dating

I have said it over and over. The threat of Islam is a two-tier threat. The first being the obvious threat of violent jihadists. The second and much less obvious is the non-violent threat of stealth jihad or what I call “insidious Islam”. A threat that...
The Dawah Dilemma

The Dawah Dilemma

As I have said in the past, the threat of Islam is a two-tiered threat. The first being the obvious threat of violent jihadists. The second being what is at first a slow low-keyed threat. Then the pace picks up. Which is the changing of non-Islamic countries to suit...