Right off the bat I want to make it clear that I have no love for the CCP and obviously I have no love for Islam either. Which is exactly why Logan’s Warning exists in the first place. In other words its just fine by me when our enemies destroy each other. With China showing the world how to deal with jihad.
For those who are new to the subject of Islam, jihad has more than one meaning. One being warfare to spread Islamic rule, AKA the lesser jihad.
From the Reliance of the Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Scared Law. A manual that has the stamp of approval of Egypt’s world renowned Al Azhar University.

Obviously the first thing that will probably come to mind when reading the word “war” is a physical one. When in fact there are other methods that are used to wage war. One being the use of political power in which can be used to eventually overtake the opposition. Another being stealth jihad, which is when Muslims use the freedoms of a host non-Islamic country against the country in order to slowly takeover from within.
Think of it this way. There are currently 195 countries on the planet, with at least 50 of them being of a Muslim majority. Obviously that didn’t happen overnight but it happened.
Now we get to the good news. Being that China has put Islamic expansionism in its country under it’s bootheel.
Mosques demolished, texts censored: How China is repressing Muslims in Xinjiang
The report underscores the mounting restrictions and surveillance faced by Muslims, particularly in regions with significant Islamic populations.
One poignant scene described in the report occurs in a cold, dusty part of central China, where a local Muslim leader stands alone in the courtyard of a small mosque. “Religion is dying,” he laments, highlighting the severe constraints imposed by the Chinese government on religious activities.
Considering the fact that Muslims are in conflicts across the world due to their so called religion, I fully support the decline of Islam.

The Chinese authorities have taken numerous steps to curb the practice of Islam:
Demolition of mosques: Many mosques have been demolished, particularly those that do not conform to the government’s architectural standards or those deemed too conspicuous.
Banning religious attire: Traditional Islamic attire, such as headscarves and long beards, has been banned in certain areas. This is part of an effort to assimilate Muslims into the broader Han Chinese culture.
Censoring Islamic texts: The government has also censored Islamic texts, removing any content that could be perceived as promoting extremism or dissent. This includes altering the Quran and other religious literature to fit the state’s narrative.
According to Koran verses 6:115, 10:64, and 18:27 the words of Allah cannot be changed.

Apparently China can.
Whether Islam is called a religion or not….

Logan’s Warning doing what the mainstream media will not do. Call it like is when it comes to the threat of Islam. Which is exactly why I need your Patriotic help in making this site the go to site for the publics education on the threat of Islam. You can help do so by making a one time or monthly contribution via the site today. Thank you.

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