For a so called “religion of peace”, many Muslims are surely not at peace. Here are today’s Muslim comments of the day. Unfortunately Enzo the pedo is lucky enough to live in the UK.
@Brynmr@MisterMentality@LogansWarning@mzzaman22 runaway haha next weekend son ur all doomed u pope shagging cunts#islam
@Brynmr@MisterMentality@LogansWarning dont take on little boys u racist scum take me and@mzzaman22 on if your brave enough.#Islam 4ever -
@LogansWarning u cunt u racist twat.#islam rules
that’s Islam spreading the peace!
They can never take someone on themselves alone – it is always take me and “X” on. Cowards. I wonder if the mosques do truing days on intimidation tactics and how to shout while the other one rambles some crap that isn’t even in the Bible or quran!
Even when they rape women, it’s always in gangs of 4 or 5 so the woman has no chance at all to fight or get away. They are complete and utter cowards. It’s islam and 1,400 years of inbreeding that makes them that way.
Here in Canada, they’re always protesting. They move here and have a better life then protest about it once they get here.
Sorry I meant TRAINING days!
Emotional developement of Moslems stop somewhere around 13.
Tommy, I beg to differ. It starts around the age of 3 for men and 8 for women.
Yeah you’re right. What was I thinking and it doesn’t help if your parents are cousins which in Pakistan is a likelihood.
Funny how I’m a pedo… its disgraceful you imbeciles. Follow me on Twitter and lets see you abuse and name call me there you red neck bastards
Why so that you can threaten to kill people for your fake god and prophet? If your god hates non-believers why doesn’t he do anything for himself and why does he need you to be his hit men? You are a pathetic brain dead moron whose brains probably fell out when banging your head on the floor in a vain attempt to even believe in any of it.
These are YOUR words….
hrsEnzo Khan @EnzoKhan69
@LogansWarning paedophile is a child rapist not when a parent has given consent 4 thr daughter to be married to a man so HAHAHA
You laugh at pedophilia. You are a disgrace to mankind.
Like I said keyboard warriors twitter me @enzokhan69 and then will c
You’re all mouth Enzo. You cannot answer any questions because you have no answers. You’re a phony. You run from debate.
You only want people to join on on twitter so your buddies can gang up on the attendees not unlike a big happy gang-rape. Where have we found gang-rapes? Oh yes.. Muslim thugs all over the planet.
How can anyone reason with Islamic morons like this. Utterly lacking in the social graces, uneducated, copulating with animals, marrying little girls to satiate their pedophile appetites.
No there is no way you can appease rabid dogs like Enzo et al. Further they have no right tainting our society with their filth. Shame on our Governments for letting them in among us.
Hi Patricia!
I agree, Muslims should not be allowed to enter non-Islamic countries. They are a Trojan Horse.
More like inviting cancer
When will these muslim morons get it through their thick skulls that we dont care what they think about non muslims. Get really to have your closet homo sexual arses kicked by real men.