Back on Twitter this afternoon, I decided to strike up a conversation with Philadelphia’s Muslim gangsta rapper Vinnie Paz.

LogansWarning Christopher Logan

@vinnie_paz Hey Vinnie, did you know Mohammad was a rapist and slave owner? Is that what you respect?
6 hours ago

Vinnie’s response was the usual:

vinnie_paz Vinnie Paz
@LogansWarning an islamophobe. THAT’S a shocker.
Aug 07, 2:07 PM via Twitter for BlackBerry®

After reading Vinnie’s empty comment, I sent two comments right back to him.

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@vinnie_paz In other words you cannot refute my statement. Islam calls for my dominance. Why should I respect that?
4 hours ago

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@vinnie_paz You don’t have the moral courage to condemn Mohammad for being a rapist and slave owner, do you?
4 hours ago

In Vinnie’s next response, you will see he can do no better than make some things up.

vinnie_paz Vinnie Paz
@LogansWarning you’re a Christian wacko. Aisha wasn’t 9 years old, Mary was 11 years old when Jesus was conceived. you’re an ignorant racist
Aug 07, 2:35 PM via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Quickly I fired off two more responses to the rapper.

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@vinnie_paz I am not religious. You have ducked my comments about Mohammad. What race is Islam? Come on Vin, PROVE my “ignorance”.
4 hours ago

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@vinnie_paz Aisha was 9. From Islamic scholar Sahih Bukari.… Do you even know who Bukhari is?
4 hours ago

Vinnie never responded. So I went to his Twitter page, and saw that he had blocked me from following him. How gangsta!

LogansWarning Christopher Logan
@vinnie_paz You made it so I cannot follow you. What a cop out!
3 hours ago

Vinny you are obviously standing up for something you know little about. Well here is some friendy advice. If Sharia ever dominates America, your gangsta rapping days are over! Smarten up!

Here is one of Paz’s latest, with his buddy “O’Drama Vin Laden”.

Vinnie Paz (JMT) ft Genocide- Conspiracy Of Silence

(WARNING STRONG GRAPHIC LANGUAGE) (An irresponsible pro-Islamic terrorism video)

Hey Vinnie! One of the lines in that song is “bringing the truth”. Well you ran from the truth, Mr. Taliban rapper!

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