Recently I posted a video that showed us that Muslims in Europe, are feeling the heat of our anti-Islam movement. Now finally after years of speaking out against Islam, I am seeing more and more Americans standing up for life as we know it, and taking the fight to our enemies. The bottom line here is that sometimes fighting Islam gets discouraging, but if we persist, we can and will win this war. I applaud all those that are part of this movement. The country and world, needs more like you!

Islamic Group Booted From Meeting Spot

(Chicago, IL) — A controversial Islamic group is scrambling to find a makeshift locale to meet after its second annual conference was booted from its planned location at a Marriott hotel in Oak Brook, Illinois this weekend.

Organizers of Hizb ut-Tahrir America, or HTA, hope to find another meeting spot before the end of July.

Although HTA is outspoken in its beliefs of peaceful government reform, opponents rallied to cancel its Chicago-area conference because of what they called its inherent violent ideology.

Jeffrey Imm with the Washington, DC-based interest group Responsible for Equality And Liberty informed the Marriott that previous HTA speakers have denounced democracy and condoned the death penalty for deserters of Islam.

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