by admin | May 14, 2010 | Uncategorized | 17 comments
Lan astaslem or لان استاسلم
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Sir Winston Churchill
“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step…”
Maybe if Holder was asked…reeeeeeall…slooowwwww……
LOL! Even then he probably wouldn't comprehend.
OT – but this is just shocking.
This movie is a disgrace – It's totally out of communist Russia this type of propoganda: http://txlady706.wordpress.com/2010/05/14/film-ma…
Those actors that were on the side of illegals, obviously have no respect for this country, which they make millions off of. I commented on your site as well.
Keep up the fight!
I think you misspelled Afghanistan
Everywhere you look, the socialists and commies are crawling out of the woodwork. Its like dear leader O'Bummer has given them the green light.
There's been a lot of talk about Kagan and her nomination lately. Red State put up a pdf of her college thesis yesterday. Its on socialism.
Can you hear all those alarm bells going off?
Another pea in the pod will be Kagan if she gets her Supreme Court nomination approved.
It's even worse over here. Our minister of defence has extended a project of military co-operation with Soddy Barbaria. It was initiated already in 2005 but has now been extended five more years. This while the draft will be abolished in july while our miniscule defence are operating in Afghanistan. They say a nation always has an army. Their own or someone elses…
So looks like it will be Soddy Barbaria's?
So far it looks like they "only" will be selling military material to Soddy Barbaria. The thing is is that arselifters has mastered the art of concealed threats, so what if they suddenly starts to demand training on swedish ground and if they at first refuse simply just hints at a possible future terrorist attack? Since I know of their cowardice already, the will bend immediately without even blinking. But it looks like we're going to become Soddy Barbaria 2.0 in the near future. 🙁
Time to leave. I expect you'll have to travel far to escape them.
Nope, I'm going to die with my boots on. Fat chance I'm going to run away with my tail between the legs. At least I will try to take as many with me as possible when that day comes.
What I don't understand, with all the arselifter rape gangs, is why don't Swedish men group together and go out looking for trouble?
I know that things are much worse there, but ever since Obama took office, the problem has worsened here. They feel emboldened.
Indeed they do.
Patriots prepare yourselves!
Is there any non-Islamic govt that is more pro-Islam than ours?