Tag: MSM

Walid Shoebat Foundation Takes Stand for America~ the Truth on Islam~ and Logan’s Warning~ Calls out Hannity on Islam!

Years ago “Muslims Against Sharia” was the rage. Non-Muslims were lining up to support them, as they were supposed to reform Islam. After a short while I got the feeling something was not right with MAS, and questioned their foul-mouth leader Khalim Massoud on what Mosques and Islamic organizations supported them. On how they were going to reform the Koran and get it accepted across the Islamic world. Those simple questions angered him, and he blocked me on Facebook. As the argument was taking place a lot of non-Muslims turned on me for speaking the truth and taking them out of their fantasy world of MAS reforming Islam. They were so angry that they were bad mouthing me for months on FB. Many of the them even blocked me. Thankfully most of them finally admitted that Khalim was just all talk. That was the beginning of the truth campaign!

~Muslims Manipulate The Minds Of Our Youth!~

I frequently speak about the never-ending information war in which we are engaged with the Islamic world. One of the Muslim tactics is to pit other non-Muslim Americans against us, and they know just who to target: America’s impressionable youth! Let’s examine a perfect example of this practice. This is today’s article from the University Daily Kansan:

~Mainstream Media Ignorance Exposed!~

Besides having to fight Muslims in the information war, we are also battling the intentional ignorance of the mainstream media (MSM). I say “intentional ignorance” because it is obvious that many who report for the MSM have done little, if any, research on Islam. Let’s take a look at an outrageous example of this irresponsible reporting!

Media Should get Islam Right~ Exposed!

When it comes to those that are trying to educate our country to the threat of Islam, our work is never done. Muslims are running a 24/7 propaganda machine, and here is another one of their cons exposed.

Media should get Islam right
By Hind Al-Subai Al-Idrisi

Rabat – Given the amount of violence and instability in countries with Muslim majorities, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, some people mistakenly assume the violence stems from Islamic teachings, when in fact Islam does not condone such actions. The media does not help the matter, often focusing on the activities of terrorists who claim to be Muslims, instead of identifying these individuals as criminals and shedding light on the true essence of Islam.

Christian Science Monitor: Islam and Muslims Should not Scare you

While this is an opinion piece, it is a bit disturbing that the Christian Science Monitor would even publish this. As Christians are being persecuted across the Islamic world, and the letter is full of misinformation, and demands from a Muslim. Whether CSM wants to admit it or not, Islam is at war with Christianity, and in no way should Christians help Muslims in the information war.