Tag: Military

Exclusive: Supposed Muslim in US Navy Calls Christian Military Members Terrorists

Over the years I have been asked why I go out of my way to talk to Muslims. My answer is to expose their mindset. Something the MSM is not willing to do.

Sometimes the results are more damaging to Islam than others. Like when US Army Member Koshin Mohamed showed up on Logan’s Warning and threatened to join the jihad.

Trouble in Turkey: Islamist Govt Takes on Military Leaders

Just the other day I was arguing with a leftist who basically stated that since Islamic rule has not yet been forced upon us, there basically is no problem here in America. My response was advising him to take a look across Europe, that the idea is to fight Islam now before it gets as bad here. That once Islamists are in positions of power, it is extremely hard to remove them. This article is perfect example of that, and so is the situation with the Mullahs of Iran. We need to fight Islam now, or else our families future generations will suffer later. The choice is yours.