Philly: Hundreds of Muslims Take to Streets to Celebrate Islamic Heritage

Recently it seems that every time I turn around, I come across an article about Muslims uniting in America. If Muslim immigration is not stopped soon, they will gain even more confidence through their unity, and their push for Sharia Law will get stronger by the day. This is a never ending war with Islam, it is imperative that Muslim immigration is ended, and Sharia Law is officially banned. They need to be sent a message, that America will not fall to Islam!

NY: Dozens of Muslims Gather to Beat Themselves Bloody~ Videos

Did you guys ever see those pictures in which Muslims are beating themselves to a bloody pulp? Well it is not only happening overseas, it has happened in Jamaica Queens (These videos are from December 27Th, 2009). Members of the Imam al-Khoei Islamic Center located at 89-89 Van Wych Expressway, took to the streets to celebrate Ashura, which is mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. I say this with no offense intended to our great troops, but the WOT is not working. The reason being that, in the end there is little point in fighting them over there, and then allowing them to bring more Islam here. Please do not tell me that Muslims are assimilating in America, because they are not, they are looking to takeover.

Staten Island Church Reconsiders Mosque Deal!

It has been a long and rocky road in regards to the war with Islam, but this article shows us that the country is slowly waking up. As in the UK, non-Muslims are protesting proposed Mosques and getting positive results. One thing that our politicians should be looking into, is where is the funding for all of these proposed Mosques coming from? No foreign countries should be allowed to fund houses of worship here, or influence what is taught in our universities. A country like Saudi Arabia which does not have our best interests at heart, has far too much influence in America. In order to save America as we know it things must change, and I do not mean Obama “change”.