Month: December 2010

My Email to Sacramento’s

Here is my email to Bob Schmidt of He is the reporter who wrote today’s article “The all-American Mosque”. In this article he blindly repeats what Imam Mohammad Abdul-Azeez of the SALAM Center has told him, and does even begin to try and dig into what the Imam, and Islamic Center are all about. One of the main reasons we are losing the war with Islam is because the MSM is so protective of it. In return we must refute their claims about Islam, and take the time to let them know we will challenge them every time we see one of their whitewash’s of Islam. Here is what I just sent to Bob and the editors of

Sacramento: Welcoming a $4 million Islamic Center That Teaches Children About the “enemies” of Islam

What is at least one thing that Sacramento and Seattle, have in common? They are both blindly welcoming the ideology of the enemy in. The SALAM Center at 4541 College Oak Drive, is scheduled to move into a new $4.4 million dollar Mosque and Islamic Center this January. The Mosque is led by Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez. The Imam comes off like he has good intentions, but lets take a closer look at his words and Islamic Center.

Islam 101: Islam “respects” Other Religions

As the regular non-Muslims who post here know, Muslims continually visit this site in an attempt to whitewash Islam. One of their favorite lines is that Islam respects other religions. The Muslims who say this supply us with nothing more than their word, which means nothing. Because the Islamic scriptures show us just how much Islam respects other religions.

Poll: Most Muslims Want Islam Involved in Politics

There is no threat of Islam…..there is no threat of Islam. That is what non-Muslim Westerners continually tell themselves. How much more evidence is needed until they step out of their false comfort zone, and face the harsh reality of this issue? A new poll by the Pew Research Center only confirms what most of my teammates already knew. The Sharia push is alive and well. The only question is what are non-Muslims going to do about it?

Seattle: In the Crosshairs of Islam

When it comes to the threat of Islam, far too many people only know of the threat of violent Muslims. That threat is very real, and will only get worse as more Muslims are allowed to come here. But there is an even bigger threat to America than violent Muslims. This threat is the lawful jihad which is being waged upon America. What makes it so dangerous is that Muslims are using the freedoms of America, to slowly takeover from within. This can clearly be seen in the November/December issue of Islamic Horizons Magazine.

Austria: MP Ewald Stadler Tells off Turkish Ambassador!~ Video

Does the war with Islam have you down, because of the West’s weak politicians? Well here is morning dose of encouragement. Watch as Eswald Stadler goes off, and tells Turkey they are sick of the one-way street Islam is. Add this guy to the list with Geert Wilders, as the true leaders who are going to save Europe from Islam.

NY Public Library/ Coexist Foundation Spreading Misinformation & False Hope

Last night I decided to forget about the rain, and headed over to the NY Public Library to check out the “Three Faiths” exhibit. I went there to see how much misinformation they were putting out to the public. The idea behind the exhibit was to show the commonalities between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The problem is that Islam is at war with us, and the differences in the religions are what needs to be known. Covering for Islam is not only irresponsible, it is detrimental to the country. When I walked in this is what I first saw. (Unfortunately they would not allow any pictures to be taken.)

The Islamic Theft of Sweden~ Video

Mr. Pat Condell tells it like it is in this disturbing video, that talks about the cowardice of the journalists and politicians of Sweden, and how Muslim immigration is a death sentence to Western Civilization. I wish the best to Sweden, but things are not looking good there. Major cities like Malmo are under assault by Islam. This problem is not unique to Sweden though, it is happening to non-Islamic countries across the West. These are countries that are slowly being devoured by Islam. Mark my words, if non-Islamic countries do not end Muslim immigration, it is just a matter of time until Islam dominates the West. Weak politicians combined with Islam, will be our death.